Types of CNC machines for stone processing. Advantages and disadvantages. And models for them.
In the last article (CNC machines for stone. Features. Models) we talked in general terms about CNC machines for working with stone, but there are a great number of such machines, each with its own principle of operation. That's why today we will tell you a little more about the types of CNC machines suitable for working on stone, compare their pros and cons. And we will remind you that ...
CNC stone machines. Features. Models.
In this article we will tell you about what are the differences between CNC machines for stone, what features have. And buy ready-made models for such machines or order the manufacture of models you can on our site. We guarantee high quality models and a decent result.
CNC machines for stone, features:
Machines designed for stone processing and equipped with nume...
Plasma cutting machines. Features of machines. Models.
In this article we will tell you about the differences between plasma CNC machines, what they are designed for, what they are used to make. You can order models for any CNC machines, including plasma cutting machines. In addition, we offer ready-made 3D models on our website. See our extensive catalog!
About plasma cutting machines, design features:
Such a machine is usuall...
Indian style in interior. Manufacturing of Indian sculptures on CNC. 3d models.
On our website, you can download 3D-models for creating Indian sculptures and other interior items in the Indian style using CNC machines. We offer a wide range of models at affordable prices. Or you can order customized models according to your specifications.
The Indian style is known for its richness and luxury, characterized by the use of bright colors such as red, yellow, green,...
Fibreglass as a material for CNC manufacturing. Models
Fibreglass (GRP) as a material for CNC manufacturing. Models
In this article we will talk more about fibreglass. What is this material, what CNC products are made of it? What characteristics is characterised by? Why is so valued among modern materials?
And on our site you can download ready-made 3D models for the manufacture of various pr...
Art objects on CNC machines. Models
In the last article we talked about the fact that CNC machines can be used to make excellent polygonal figures, which will become a great decoration of interior or exterior.
Today we will talk about other art objects that are made with the help of our 3D models.
What are art objects?
An art object is a sculpture or other d...
Polygonal sculptures: 3D models for cnc manufacturing
On our website you can download ready-made models for polygonal sculptures, or order their individual development. In this article we will tell a little more about polygonal sculptures, why they are so popular today and where they can be used.
Features of polygonal figures:
Polygonal sculptures attract attention with their unusual appearance...
Grids, panels, partitions on CNC: 3d models
With the help of CNC machines you can make a variety of beautiful products. Including openwork carved lattices, partitions, panels. The machine will almost autonomously cut out the product. All you need is a suitable material, cutters and a 3D model of the future product.
You can buy a ready-made model or order individual development of models on our website. We...
Eco style: features, features, decor. 3D models for CNC manufacturing of products.
Eco style in the interior is highly popular. The thing is that this style is aimed at bringing us at least visually closer to nature, to everything alive and natural.
Hence the trend for natural materials, natural colours, a large number of bright live plants, stabilised flowers and phytoconstructions of natural or artificial moss.
In this article we will tell you more about ...
Landscape design and garden sculptures on cnc machines. 3d models.
Our website offers a huge range of 3d models. Including many of them will be suitable for creating stylish and unusual landscape design. In this article we will tell you more about garden sculpture, its features, styles, types. And download 3d models and make products from wood, stone, plastic - you can in the catalog of our site. There is an opportunity to develop models to order.
Anime and manga style figurines and decor. Features. Manufacturing on CNC. Models.
With the help of models presented on our site (both ready-made and those that we develop for you under the order), you can make any volumetric figures in the style of anime and manga, or carved decor for products.
In this article we will tell you what these styles are, and why they are so popular, especially among teenagers and young people.
And you can download ready-made mo...
Ethno style in the interior. Features. Models.
Style ethno - very unusual, bright, bold. Dare to him not everyone. But it is he will allow you to show your interests, love of history, culture. It will help to demonstrate all those unusual things that you could buy in your travels and bring back home. And also, being in an apartment with this style, you can imagine that at least for a short time you got into another culture, another time ...
CNC soldiers: models. History, features
Did you know that soldiers made on CNC machines or 3d printers can be in special demand? First, it will be an unusual exclusive product, which is not easy to find on the shelves of stores. And therefore - a great option for replenishing the collection. And, secondly, such a soldier can be an interesting toy, souvenir or an unusual statue.
In this article we will tell you all about so...
Interior in the Egyptian style. Features. Models for making products in the Egyptian style.
In this article we will tell you about what is different interior in the Egyptian style, what features are characterized, what you should pay attention to, equipping your home in this style direction. And on our site you can download 3d models for manufacturing on CNC machines or 3d printers exclusive products in the Egyptian style.
Features of Egyptian interior:
When talki...
3d models for computer games. Features.
Computer games require quality 3d content. This ensures the interest of the users. Their demand. In virtual reality not only communicate, conquer new cities and countries, but also actively acquire characters, weapons, details of the surrounding world. The presence of some high-quality interesting 3d models makes the game more interesting, realistic, even more immerses users in the virtual w...
Collectible figurines, action figures. Features. Types. 3D models
Most often the owners of collections of figurines in our time are fans. Fans of movies, cartoons, books, TV series. They do not spare neither money nor effort to get a figurine with their favorite character.
In this article we will tell you about what figurines most often become a subject of collecting now, in the 20s of the 21st century.
And also we will remind you that you ...
Statuettes of dragons, griffins, sphinxes and other mythical creatures. 3d models.
On our site there is a huge assortment of models of statuettes, including statuettes of mythical creatures (dragons, griffins, sphinxes, etc.).
Mythical creatures have always caused special feelings among people. In ancient times, they could be equated with deities and worship them, consider them their amulets.
Nowadays people are attracted by the mysterious appearance, the f...
Mascaron: what is it? Features, models, where to get 3d models of mascaron
In this article we will talk about such an architectural element as mascaron. How and when they appeared. What they are. How to make on a CNC machine.
On our site are 3d models of mascaron. With the help of models located in the sections, links to which we will add below, you will be able to make beautiful and stylish mascarons on cnc machines or 3d printers.
Features, Defin...
Lion in mythology and religion of different countries and cultures. Models for making carved lion figures.
Lion is a popular image in different mythologies. It is no coincidence that this animal is called the king of beasts. This quality endowed lions in different times and in different cultures.
Statuettes and statues of lions - one of the most common.
In this article we will tell you what this is due to, what roles endowed lions in different mythologies.
And you can make...
Netsuke and okimono. What are they? Features. Origin. Models for CNC machines.
Popular Japanese figurines - netsuke and okimono are in demand in all countries of the world. You can make such figurines on CNC machines with the help of our models.
In this article we will tell in a little more detail what these figurines are, how they differ, what is the reason for their popularity, what plots and characters are most often depicted.
And be sure to add a li...
Statuettes of animals: meaning. Models.
Statuettes of animals and birds are in particular demand. With the help of our models you can make statuettes of any complexity on a machine with numerical control or on a 3D printer. The material of manufacture can be wood, metal, stone, or plastic, plexiglass.
Many statuettes have their own meaning. Usually it is either the character traits of the animal. Or people's beliefs ab...
Toys and souvenirs on CNC and 3d printers. Models
With the help of our 3d models on CNC machines or 3d printers you can make a variety of toys and souvenirs.
Both 3D printers and CNC machines allow you to make toys and souvenirs quickly, qualitatively, in any quantity and to any taste. These can be very complex volumetric products. The possibilities of modern devices are almost limitless.
Especially the owners of CNC and 3d ...
Steampunk: style features, models for steampunk CNC machining
In this article we will tell you about an interesting and unusual style - steampunk. The article will be useful to craftsmen working on CNC machines, and cooperating with designers, with decorators. Here you can buy ready-made models of steampunk style products or order the production of models that meet the requirements and wishes of customers (including the possibility of making models in ...
CNC statuettes: meaning, features, models
Statuettes on CNC machines can be made of different materials: most often it is wood and its analogs or stone (marble, granite). But there can be any other materials.
Sometimes on the machine with program control first made mold for casting, extremely repeating the shape of the future product, and then using it to create a statuette.
You can buy models for making statuettes o...
Bas-reliefs and high reliefs. History. Features. Applications. Models.
In this article we decided to tell a little more about bas-relief and high relief. And you can make these products on a CNC machine, with the help of our 3d models, presented in the appropriate sections. In addition, custom models are always available. Call!
What are bas-relief and high relief?
Bas-relief is a type of applied art, in which the picture on the background...
Busts and statues in antique style on CNC. Models.
On our site there is a huge number of models of busts and statues, including in the antique style.
In this article we decided to talk a little about whether such decorative elements are appropriate now, in what interiors and in what styles, how to modernize works of antique art and how to make them on CNC machines.
Busts and statues antique, relevance in modern interiors:
CNC jewelry. Features. Types of machines. Models.
Making jewelry is not a simple matter. Although ancient. The secrets of working with precious metals and stones were passed down from generation to generation. They required attention, diligence and experience.
The emergence of machines with programmable control simplified the task for many people, including jewelers.
CNC machines allow you to make not only furniture, doors, ...
Busts and sculptures made of wood. Models for them.
Modern technologies allow to make busts and sculptures from wood. Of the highest quality, with detailed detail and excellent portrait resemblance.
At the same time, the terms of creation of such sculptures will be a matter of hours. And special knowledge, skills and experience - will not be required. All products are created almost automatically.
All you need is only to run t...
OBJ: what is this file format? Features and differences from STL. Advantages. Buy OBJ models
Many files on our site you can buy and download in any format of your choice - be it STL or OBJ. And if we have already told you about STL many times, we will tell you about OBJ for the first time. What is this format? How does it differ? What programs is it intended for? We will tell you a little about it in our today's article.
If you still have questions, you can always ask th...
Furniture in Italian style. Models. Manufacturing on CNC.
In this article we will tell about what is different furniture in the Italian style, why it is so popular around the world.
Make high-quality and beautiful furniture in the style of Italian masters you can independently on CNC machines, using stl files presented on our site.
You can buy ready-made models presented in the sections of tables, chairs, tables, cabinets and many o...
History of iconostasis: types, styles, models
There are different styles and types of iconostases, each of which was formed in a certain era. The appearance, decor and architectural features of the iconostasis were influenced by trends in art, culture and religion. Therefore, in each century appeared its own characteristic elements.
In this article we will tell about the main styles of iconostases, created in different times, th...
Icons of Jesus Christ. Types, features. Models in stl format.
Icons of Jesus Christ are the most significant and the most common. It is this icon should be in every home iconostasis.
In this article we will tell you about what images of Jesus Christ there are, how they differ, give examples of our 3d models.
On our site you can always buy ready-made models of icons of Jesus Christ. Models have stl format, suitable for CNC machines and 3...
History of the carved icon: when they appeared, when they were popular. Models.
There are very different types of icons: mosaic, molded, embroidered, created with the help of beading, etc. The most popular are those painted with paints on a board or on canvas. Nevertheless, carved relief icons, models of which are presented on our website, are not a novelty, but a centuries-old tradition, which in different times was persecuted or honored as a high-quality and beautiful...
Antique furniture: types, descriptions, CNC models.
Some of the types of furniture listed below are a thing of the past. Others are found in our time, especially in stylized interiors, under the antique.
Today we will tell you about some of them.
And buy ready-made models of furniture for furniture manufacturing on CNC machines or order exclusive models made to your order, you can from us.
So, what kind of furniture is...
Icons of the Virgin Mary: types and features, models in stl format.
There is a huge variety of images of the Virgin. In total more than 200 honored icons of the Virgin and more than 800 names. Each image has its own features.
In this article we will tell about the most significant images, we will see what differs one image from another. And we will give examples of models from our catalog.
All models of icons of the Virgin see on the link.
Dictionary of Carved Decor. Models for CNC machines
Many carved elements have survived since antiquity. That is why the names of some types of carved decoration are so difficult to understand and unfamiliar to us.
But these elements are still quite common today. Especially on those products that are made in classical styles.
Therefore, to know the meaning of words such as "acanthus", "pilaster", "festo...
Carving in Russian, Slavic style: features, 3d models
Carving in the Old Russian style - marvelous. It attracts with its originality, quirkiness, elegance. Products decorated with carvings in the Slavic, Russian style attract their diversity, their "fairy tale". They remind us of our past. Warm up with a special warmth.
In this article we will tell you about the features of Old Russian ornaments, about popular types of decor. ...