Carving in the Old Russian style - marvelous. It attracts with its originality, quirkiness, elegance. Products decorated with carvings in the Slavic, Russian style attract their diversity, their "fairy tale". They remind us of our past. Warm up with a special warmth.
In this article we will tell you about the features of Old Russian ornaments, about popular types of decor. You can create carvings of any complexity in the Russian style on CNC machines with the help of our 3d models. On the site there is an extensive catalog of models, among which there are definitely variants in the Slavic style. In addition, at your service the possibility of manufacturing models in stl format to order (by photo, sketches, descriptions). Call, write, order!
A few facts from history:
Decorate houses with carvings Slavs began in pagan times. And Christianity did not eradicate this tradition. Although some Old Slavic motifs have survived to this day, but over time they simply lost their original meaning, remaining just decorative elements.
Wooden houses decorated with lush carvings, once in the villages could be found at every turn. And carved facades were not always a sign of a rich house. Carving on shutters and roofs of houses was also available to ordinary people. Many people themselves were skillful with wood and tools.
Moreover, it was once even believed that carving was a kind of protection.
Skillful carving was always done by hand. Sometimes master carvers were invited for this purpose. Their work was highly valued and well paid. Today a CNC machine can perfectly cope with complex carved elements. The material can be both natural wood (solid oak, beech, ash, pine) and its analogs, such as wood-composite or MDF, as well as polyurethane.
Nowadays, carvings in the Old Russian style decorate platbands, shutters, friezes, cornices, partitions, doors, furniture, household products, arbors, posts and half-posts, balusters, railings.
It gives a special mood. Perfectly suited for houses made in the Old Russian style.
Features of Old Russian carving:
Most often the carving in the Old Russian style is:
- flat-incised (that is, recesses are created to form the ornament),
- or slotted (i.e. "openwork" carving, when the holes between the details of the pattern are made through),
- a little less often - relief (3d cutting, when the decorative element strongly protrudes above the plane of the product) or sculptural (sculptural elements could decorate the protruding logs of the house, pillars, with the help of this type of cutting created children's toys and accent elements - for example, a cockerel on the wing of the building).
Ornaments in the Old Slavonic, Russian style include the advantage of the following elements:
- Disks, wheels, rhombuses, crosses, squares, stars (these motifs are still associated with the pagan beliefs of Slavic peoples),
- Plant ornament with rounded leaves, backgrounds with patterns of dots (these subjects came from the Abramtsevo-Kudrinsky school of carving),
- In general, plant patterns and geometric carving are the main motifs of Old Russian carving and are found at all times (from Old Slavonic to late Russian carving). Geometric carving is a combination of lines and shapes (squares, rhombuses, tetrahedrons). And plant decor is often supplemented with elements traditional for Russian culture - spikelets of wheat, berries.
- Images of animals (e.g. horses, bears, deer), birds (swans, owls, chicks, roosters), mythical creatures (e.g. firebirds) and people in Old Russian clothes are quite acceptable in Russian carving motifs.
In addition to decorating the exterior of the house (porch, shutters, roof), gazebo, bathhouse, well, other buildings on the site, Russian (Slavic) carving is also used for the interior. With its help you can decorate:
- Chests
- Household items: dishes, spoons, buckets, ladles, spinners, etc.
- Doors
- Benches, tables and other furniture
- Stairs and their elements
- Pillars located inside a building
Models of many of these products or individual decorative elements in Old Slavonic or Russian style you can find on our site.
Models in Old Slavonic, Russian style:
Buy ready-made models or order manufacturing according to your specifications (we will coordinate the sketch, produce the model in the shortest possible time).
We guarantee excellent quality, detailed drawing, worthy result.
In addition, you can always ask questions to our specialists and get free advice on methods and modes of cutting. After all, we are interested in the excellent result of our customers and repeat cooperation.
You can contact us in any convenient way for you - phone, mail, modern messengers (Vatsap, Viber, Telegram). Contacts see on the page. We are waiting for your questions.
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