Most often the owners of collections of figurines in our time are fans. Fans of movies, cartoons, books, TV series. They do not spare neither money nor effort to get a figurine with their favorite character.
In this article we will tell you about what figurines most often become a subject of collecting now, in the 20s of the 21st century.
And also we will remind you that you can make any figurine on a CNC machine with the help of our 3d models. We have both ready-made models and there is an opportunity to order the production of statuette models of any character. With the help of our models in the future you will be able to make a statue on a CNC machine or 3D printer.
A few facts from history:
For the first time the fashion for figurines of characters began to appear in the United States back in the 40s of the 20th century. For example, then the figurine of Batman and his sidekick Robin was in high demand.
However in those times figurines on motives of popular works were released not for collectors, rather as toys, pleasant souvenirs.
The next round of development figurines of characters received in the 60's, when there was a need to replace outdated soldiers. Wanted to create some analogy of Barbie dolls, but for boys. So action figures appeared.
In the 70s - the dream of every American boy became brutal soldiers with futuristic weapons. Soon the largest concerns, producing movies, comics and cartoons Marvel and DC, still retaining the rights to own the brands of superheroes, agreed to release figures made on the basis of the universes.
The first part of "Star Wars" in the U.S. was such a success that action figures based on the movie became popular not only with children, but also with adults.
However, unlike the toys of the previous generation, these became more solid and monolithic. It was supposed not to change toys (similar to Barbie dolls) in different characters, but to buy several different heroes. That brought action figures even closer to the modern ones.
In the 80's there was a new interesting direction of development. At this time, no longer figures began to be produced on the basis of cartoons, but on the contrary - began to create cartoons in order to toys and other souvenirs better sold. By the way, an interesting fact, this is how the Transformers cartoons appeared. That is, the main task of their creators was to promote toys.
In addition to America developed and the market of toys and figures of characters in Japan.
In this country first sold American figures, but later the Japanese, who have a rich imagination, began to add figures of soldiers fantastic elements, which led to the expansion of the market and the emergence of all kinds of robots and aliens.
Soon the Japanese moved on to independently create figurines depicting fantastic creatures. But the most widespread use of figurines and action figures in Japan received only in the 90s. And it was at this time that figurines of popular characters, oriented not so much on children as on adults, replaced toys. Special editions appeared, the collector's boom began.
Types of figurines from Japan:
There are several types of character figurines in Japan. Let's tell you in brief.
- Gasyapons - figures from automata, packed in capsules. Predominantly these are miniature figurines of the heroes of animated series.
- Tradings - these are figures for exchange, sold in closed packages, so that there is an element of chance and to the end was not known what character this time will be caught.
- Statuettes - finished figures, sold more often in open packages, have no moving elements.
- Action figures - moving figures, with joints that help change the position of the character's body.
Types of figures by style:
- Anime style figurines. Anime are Japanese cartoons that have gained immense popularity around the world. Fans are so fond of the characters that they are ready to buy up any souvenir goods with images of anime characters. Including high demand are statuettes in this style. Heroes usually have disproportionately large eyes, long legs, cute faces.
- Statuettes with characters from comic books and movies, Hollywood universes. Any popular movies and cartoons have fans, which means that figurines with characters will be in high demand. Be it Spider-Man, Captain America, Iron Man, Loki, Garrus and so on.
- Statuettes depicting the heroes of books, comics, manga. Here the audience coverage is slightly lower, so the demand for such figurines is somewhat less.
Buy models:
You can buy any models for creating figures on a CNC or 3d printer on our website. We have a huge assortment of models.
But there is also an opportunity to make models of figurines to order. Send us a technical task and we will prepare models in any format convenient for you.
We specify the cost of preparing the model before you start working with it and do not change, regardless of the number of edits and improvements.
We provide fast terms of fulfillment. Favorable prices. Discounts to regular customers.
Call, write, ask!
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