Did you know that soldiers made on CNC machines or 3d printers can be in special demand? First, it will be an unusual exclusive product, which is not easy to find on the shelves of stores. And therefore - a great option for replenishing the collection. And, secondly, such a soldier can be an interesting toy, souvenir or an unusual statue.
In this article we will tell you all about soldiers, how the tradition of collecting soldiers first appeared, when these figures became popular toys. And you can buy 3d models for making soldiers on CNC machines or 3d printers on our website. There are ready-made models (see section figurines military) and there is an opportunity to develop models to order. To clarify the information contact our specialists in any convenient way for you.
Soldiers - as a collector's item:
Soldiers at all times were and remain one of the favorite toys of boys. No wonder that collecting soldiers is one of the most popular hobbies in the world, which appeared long before the advent of marketing.
And most of the collectors of soldiers - people are not poor. After all, the cost of some toys reaches some incredibly high values.
Pricing for such figures depends primarily on the rarity, on the historical value and antiquity, on the exclusivity of the model.
If earlier in the collection could include any soldier, then today among collectors there are different categories. Someone hunts for vintage models. Someone chooses modern figures. And here it is not so much the rarity as the fineness of execution, high detailing, reflection of facial features, costume details, elements of weapons. All this can make the figure more expensive and interesting, both for simple amateurs and for experienced collectors. And to make soldiers with a high degree of detail can be made on CNC machines or 3d printers with the help of our 3d models.
Such soldiers can be a great gift for both boys and men. On February 23 or any other holiday.
A few facts from history:
The first soldiers appeared as early as 2 thousand years BC, in Egypt. According to one version of the pharaohs were buried with miniature copies of their armies. And according to another - it was still children's toys and they belonged to the sons of pharaohs.
Already in the Middle Ages appeared soldiers made of tin, the main purpose of which was modeling of possible situations during hostilities and the solution of certain problems on the battlefield.
In the 16th century the first collections of soldiers began to appear. In the same times for the first time there were expensive modeling, created from precious materials. However, for a long time tin - remained the most popular option in the manufacture of soldiers. It is no coincidence that later, in the 19th century, a book about "The Steadfast Tin Soldier" by Hans Christian Andersen was written.
In the 17th century, the era of collecting gets a new turn. True, at first only in the privileged estates. It was in these years that Maria de' Medici presented her son with 300 pure silver soldiers.
The collection of Louis the 14th, who ruled in the late 17th and early 18th centuries, was one of the most extensive. 20 squadrons and 10 battalions of soldiers occupied a separate room in the palace!
In the 19th century, Napoleon became a famous collector of soldiers. He had more than 100 figures representing the Corsicans.
Soldiers in Russia:
As for Russia, even here there were quite a few collectors of soldiers among the rulers. Both Peter the Great and Peter III (who had the most extensive collection, including figures made of sugar, marzipan and cotton candy) had their own collections. And at Paul I and Nicholas I.
For a long time in Russia there were soldiers of one type - they were tin figures standing at attention.
In Soviet times, it was usually the Red Army.
And only in the late 80s of the 20th century began to appear the first plastic figures. There appeared thematic sets, for example, "Primitive people", "Indians", "Egyptians", "Cowboys" and "Pirates", "Roman legionaries" and "Vikings". True, such figures were a real deficit and an object of lust for most Soviet children.
In the 90's with the beginning of capitalism, the flow of toys flooded onto the shelves of stores, and soldiers were no exception. However, gradually the hearts of boys won other figures (for example, from cartoon series and comic books). And the soldiers moved to the background. But the importance of their value has not lost.
Making soldiers:
Nowadays, anyone can make soldiers. All you need for this is to have your own CNC machine or 3d printer.
Our models will allow you to get a high-quality and beautiful product in the shortest possible time. For yourself or for sale.
There is an opportunity to develop an exclusive model - according to your wishes. Just write to us, leave a request, specify your wishes in the technical task. And our artists modelers will prepare for you models in the required format.
Call, write, leave requests. We will provide detailed consultations.
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