With the help of models presented on our site (both ready-made and those that we develop for you under the order), you can make any volumetric figures in the style of anime and manga, or carved decor for products.
In this article we will tell you what these styles are, and why they are so popular, especially among teenagers and young people.
And you can download ready-made models on our website. Or by ordering the development of the model according to your specifications. We are confident that the goods made in this style - will find a buyer! Will become in demand and popular. Allow you to make a unique gift to a fan of animated series and comics. Or replenish the assortment of souvenir store or specialized store with goods in the style of anime and manga.
About styles:
Anime (cartoons) and manga (comics) are a type of Japanese animation with distinctive features. Characters are usually portrayed with huge eyes, often taking up most of the face, while the nose and lips are only slightly marked. Hair is long disheveled, often multicolored. The legs and arms of adult characters are deliberately elongated. The bodies are thin. In children's characters - short. Often the heroes of such cartoons and comics are depicted dressed in the clothes of Japanese schoolchildren, but this is not a necessary part of the manga.
And cartoons and comics in this style there are completely different, as about giant fighting robots, and about sorceresses, fairies and cat girls.
Different and genres: from sports and comedy, to horror and drama.
The characteristic drawing differs significantly from other types of animation. Characters are attracted by their "cuteness" (or as the Japanese and fans of anime and manga say - "kawaii"), cute appearance. And literally fall in love with teenagers who dream of being like the slender heroes of Japanese animation.
High popularity of animated series in adolescence leads to imitation (recoloring hair, trying on similar outfits). And to a large number of purchases of all kinds of paraphernalia. For example, badges with anime and manga characters are in high demand. Notebooks and notebooks. Stickers. Backpacks. Sweatshirts.
No less in demand among fans and statuettes. They can decorate the desktop of a fan of the animated series, bookshelf. Or serve as a trinket. And sometimes a kind of amulet, especially if a person identifies with this or that character. In addition, it is a great gift to a fan of anime or manga. It will definitely delight the giftee.
How and when did anime figurines appear?
Figurines in the style of anime began to appear when the demand for other paraphernalia, for souvenirs, for dishes with the image of heroes, for clothing. The fact is that even many adults are fans of anime and manga.
In Japan, figurines first began to appear in the mid-70s of the 20th century. They belonged to a certain brand and were created on the motives of animated series. These toys became the best-selling toys in the country.
In the 90s, anime figures were more widely developed, largely due to the fact that cartoons from Japan became popular not only in their own country, but also in a number of other countries (and soon found fans practically all over the world).
And, secondly, due to the emergence of new technologies, improving the quality of products, including higher detailing of characters.
This led to the fact that statuettes and figurines in the style of anime already began to be produced not only as toys or souvenirs, but also as collectibles, which always imposes the imprint of greater value and rarity.
At the same time, special figures, such as those produced in vending machines or in closed capsules, have become common.
Today there is a great variety of figures in the style of anime and manga, from the simplest, to those that are equipped with hinges, move all parts of the body and become a real fashion figures.
Manufacturing on CNC or 3d printer:
Nowadays, figurines, figurines, key chains, any other products in the style of anime and manga can be made with the help of the most modern and convenient devices.
These are CNC machines or 3d printers.
All that is needed for the machine or printer is a 3 d model of the future product, with high accuracy repeating the image of the character of the animated series or comic book.
Then the devices practically in autonomous mode, according to the control program, create the desired decor or product.
On a CNC machine products are made most often from wood or stone. On a 3D printer - from plastic. In addition, with their help are created not the figures themselves, but the molds for further casting of the material. In this case, in the style of anime and manga can be anything from chocolate figurines to jewelry.
And the CNC machine is also suitable for applying volume carved decor in the style of anime or manga on any surface, so you can use it to decorate the lids of caskets and boxes, umbrella handles and canes, panels and tiles, furniture, clocks, any other products. The scope for fantasy is incredibly wide.
Buy a ready-made model in the sections:
3d models of figurines of girls
3d models of figurines in the style of anime
3d models ideas
3d models of games
And in others.
Or order the production of a model of your order. To do this, just send us a detailed specification, better with examples (pictures, photos, sketches). And we will prepare 3d stl file as soon as possible. The cost of the model, voiced at the beginning of the work, will not change, regardless of the number of edits and improvements.
Models ready and to order:
- Our models are characterized by high quality,
- Excellent detail,
- Large assortment,
- Convenient formats.
Choose the format that suits you (stl, obj, 3dMax), payment.
Call, write, ask questions. Knock in messengers: at your service Vatsap, Viber, Telegram. We are open for cooperation and dialog.
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