A bust is a sculpture depicting only the head and neck. Sometimes also the upper part of the body, the breasts. A bust can be made of different materials. Including on numerically controlled machines made of wood or stone (in addition, sometimes on machines with numerically controlled machines make molds for casting from gypsum).
The possibilities of modern machines are so wide that they allow you to create real works of art. Including sculptures and busts. In this article we will tell about busts, their types and application. And we will also tell you how to order a 3D model of a bust for further manufacturing on a CNC machine, whether it is possible to make a model by photo and what stages include the development to order.
About busts:
Busts have been used in interiors for several centuries. With their help they decorate the interiors of houses, apartments, restaurants, public institutions. They are suitable as a decoration for a study, for a bedroom, for a living room. Give a special charm and sophistication of the room. Look great in different interior styles. But it is desirable that the bust corresponded to either the key style direction, or the theme of the place that it decorates and complements. In this case, the bust will look like a continuation of the interior and will not cause dissonance with the environment.
Styles or purpose:
- For example, in classical interiors (or in modern, but with elements of classics) will look great busts of Greek gods, girls and young men in Greek robes and with laurel wreaths on their heads.
- Interiors decorated in the Baroque style will perfectly complement busts of philosophers and generals, writers and composers, ladies and gentlemen in wigs in the fashion of those years. Such busts will decorate the hall, living room, study, can stand on the makeup table in the bedroom, will look good in beauty salons, photo studios, showrooms, in restaurants.
- In some cases, the busts listed above, perfectly complement and modern interiors, setting a special chic room. But you can fantasize and order some creative bust with an unusual shape or character.
- Busts suitable to the theme of the interior look good in various ethnical styles. For example, it can be the head of an ethnic deity.
- Sometimes bust can be a kind of symbol of power, then appropriate will be sculptures of politicians and rulers, now acting, or once before standing in power.
- Busts of the military occupy a special place - attract attention to the high detail of historical costumes, weapons, medals and orders, well-designed faces, which read the character of conquerors, people with a special character. They will be appreciated by fans of military history.
- Busts of writers and poets will look good in a library or bookstore.
- Busts depicting ordinary people are not so popular in interiors and are more often used as monuments. But if you want, you can decorate the interior bust of your dear person - we are ready to develop a 3d model of the bust by photo. We will do it quickly and with the utmost similarity.
The obvious advantage of busts before sculptures - is their size. That means they can easily fit on any shelf, coffee table, fireplace, bedside table or windowsill. The place will definitely be found, even in small rooms.
Designers do not recommend installing several busts next to each other, otherwise the interior will lose the warm home atmosphere. However, one bust or two will add a touch of smartness to any interior.
Busts can be of different sizes - from miniature to quite large. And not only the size can differ, but also the appearance. For example, the bust can depict only the head or head and shoulders of a person. Or head and part of the torso. There are busts depicting a person immobile, and there are busts made in dynamic poses, people on them as if frozen during the performance of some action. All variants are good in their own way.
Manufacturing on CNC machines:
Making busts, just like making sculptures out of wood or stone, is not a simple endeavor. Especially when it comes to embodying people's faces on the material. It is difficult to do it by hand. It must be a master of the highest class. But even so, there is no guarantee that the sculptor will provide detailed accuracy. Therefore, without a modern CNC machine - almost impossible to do without. The machine will help to produce the product quickly and without error.
Preliminary created 3d stl model in a special program. With the help of the model you will be able to "see" the result in advance, to evaluate it, to make timely corrections. The machine will follow the program set by the model and cut out the necessary grooves and recesses, creating the desired relief and forming the future bust.
Then the final grinding of the product is performed. In some cases, the finished bust is painted or varnished.
The material can be wood (oak, beech, ash, MDF) or stone - marble, granite. The main thing is to choose the right cutters.
Thus, the appearance of the finished product will largely depend on the 3d model. And order a guaranteed high-quality and photographically accurate model you can from us.
3d models of busts to order.
Our team is an artist modelers who have a huge experience and work with a variety of orders. We are ready to produce 3d models of any complexity at great prices. Many large manufacturers, small carpentry workshops, private craftsmen work with us. Ordering 3d model from us, you can be sure of decent quality of the final product.
Development of 3d stl model of the bust to order for CNC machine usually includes the following stages:
- Obtaining a technical task (and it is desirable that the order was a photo, or sketch, picture from the Internet, so that we understand what image you need to get, but the photo can be supplemented with explanations - for example, indicating the option of dress, hairstyle, headdress - all this we can "dorisovat" and in the future you can realize on the material).
- Creation of the model, which will be agreed with the customer. We are ready to finalize the model several times until the result satisfying you completely.
- Finally, the preparation of 3d model to build a control program on the CNC and transfer you the finished file.
Our models are characterized by decent quality, reasonable price, convenient format, high self-sufficiency, detail and accuracy. Call, write, contact professionals. Let the result please you!