On our website you can download ready-made models for polygonal sculptures, or order their individual development. In this article we will tell a little more about polygonal sculptures, why they are so popular today and where they can be used.
Features of polygonal figures:
Polygonal sculptures attract attention with their unusual appearance.
Polygonal they are called because they are made of many "polygons" - triangles or polygons. Although there are also variants resembling lace, wound threads, wire, crumpled paper. But in general, the idea is that the execution can be any, but the silhouette, the form - clear and extremely clear. Most often polygonal sculptures depict people performing different activities, animals - for example, elephants, deer, rhinos, bears and so on, or figures - for example, hearts. In some cases, letters and logos can also be polygonal. Sometimes the subject of the image is a character of cartoons, comics. Sometimes some object, for example, if polygonal sculpture is put for advertising purposes and is designed to attract attention to the car showroom, then the sculpture here will be a car.
The price for such sculptures can reach more than a million rubles, depending on the chosen material, size, features (for example, the presence of backlighting).
Sculptures and statuettes are placed on squares and in parks, in urban spaces, in cafes and restaurants, on the territories of new residential complexes, on recreation centres and in sanatoriums as art objects, used in interior decoration, used for advertising purposes and for window dressing.
It is possible to make such figures on CNC machines (from wood, stone, metal). Or on 3D printers - from plastic.
Different can be the size, design, colour.
In some cases, the appearance of the figure is chosen depending on the place of its installation. For example, the figure of a running man near the stadium. Sculpture of the bride and groom - at the wedding salon. And so on.
As for the styles of interiors, sculptures of this type are most suitable for modern design trends. Although it can also be a modern classic. But not strict classics, where the smoothness and roundness of the lines are still a priority, and the figures are made more realistic.
Polygonal type sculptures look good in combination with illumination. In this case they can fulfil a double function - to serve as a means for evening and night illumination of the territory. However, even without backlighting polygonal figures are an excellent decorative accent that attracts attention and does not go unnoticed by others and guests of the house, office, public space or park, street, embankment.
A few facts from history:
It is believed that the style became fashionable thanks to the popularity of computer toys and 3d graphics in general. After all, it is with the help of pixels (also polygons) are created computer characters and the entire world of game universes.
The exact date of birth of polygonal sculpture can not name. After all, sculptures of this type were found earlier, long before the emergence of computer graphics.
Nevertheless, the first polygonal sculpture is called polygonal sculpture, created in 1964, which was widely popular all over the world (which could give a start to the development of polygonal technique). Its creator was Robert Indian. He made polygons from large aluminium panels and formed them into the letters LOVE.
Later, with the development of computer graphics polygonal figures became more and more common in art.
The most famous sculptors who created real works of art in polygonal technique are:
- Richard Orlinski (his King Kong and Superman were real hits)
- Ben Foster (creator of sculptures made of aluminium sheets painted white).
- Matt Hill (his polygonal figures are characterised by their rust effect).
And many others.
Gradually it became mainstream - modern fashion. Today, very many workshops offer services in the manufacture of polygonal models.
You can make such sculptures yourself, if you have a CNC machine or 3D printer.
Manufacturing on CNC and 3d printers:
The machine and printer work almost autonomously. You don't need any special knowledge, artistic taste, or craftsmanship. All you need is a 3d model of the future product.
You can buy a ready-made model or order an individual development. To make a model to order we will need your technical task, what kind of sculpture you would like to make, how it should look like. If you have examples (photos, sketches), send them to us. In this case we will prepare the necessary model for you much faster.
To order - go to this page.
To choose a ready variant - here.
Our models are created in a convenient stl format, which allows you to immediately recognise the model as a model.