Statuettes on CNC machines can be made of different materials: most often it is wood and its analogs or stone (marble, granite). But there can be any other materials.
Sometimes on the machine with program control first made mold for casting, extremely repeating the shape of the future product, and then using it to create a statuette.
You can buy models for making statuettes on CNC from us. We offer a huge range of ready-made variants. In addition, we are ready to make models to order.
In this article we will tell you a little more about CNC statuettes, about models for them, about the meaning of statuettes.
Feel free to contact our expert with any questions you may have. We are in touch in all messengers.
Advantages of CNC statuette making:
There are obvious advantages to both CNC made figurines, the method of manufacturing itself, the CNC machine, and the choice of figurines as a staple for CNC makers:
- It is a highly durable piece of wood, stone or other material
- Attractive and expensive appearance, unusual design, detailed elaboration of all elements
- Correspondingly high cost of the product
- Quick and error-free production, in any quantity, including serial production and large batches
- Small size of the product, and therefore minimal material consumption, the absence of any difficulties associated with the shipment, storage, sale of products (which is necessarily encountered in the sale of large-sized products)
- High popularity among buyers and great demand for figurines (both as souvenirs and as items for interior decoration).
Types of models of statuettes:
Our site presents a variety of models of statuettes, with which you can make:
- Statuettes depicting animals, birds, fish, including mythical creatures.
- Statuettes depicting people (celebrities, representatives of different professions).
- Statuettes depicting characters from movies, cartoons.
- Statuettes on religious themes, relating to the cultures of different religions.
And so on.
The meaning of statuettes:
The first statuettes appeared in ancient times. Most often they depicted people and animals. Often even then statuettes were endowed with a special meaning.
For example, in Ancient Egypt there were widespread statuettes of cats (according to the Egyptians, the cat is a goddess, appearing to man in the form of an animal). Medieval Europe - these are statuettes of dragons, griffins, lions, dogs. And so on.
Most often special symbolism have statuettes of animals. Moreover, their meaning most often depends on the features that are inherent in the depicted animals.
- For example, the dog - a symbol of friendship, loyalty. And also protection, protection, protection from ill-wishers.
- Cat - flexibility and grace. Or peace. Statuettes of dogs and cats are the most popular because of the great love of people for these pets.
- Statuette of a frog or toad according to ancient beliefs can bring wealth to the house.
- Statuette of a horse - it is most often a symbol of career growth, because the horse is an animal very hardworking and persistent.
- Statuette of a lion - a symbol of royalty, a sign of power.
- Statuette of an owl or owl - a symbol of wisdom and knowledge.
- Statuettes of fish - a sign of determination and the ability to get out of any trouble, and it is also a reminder for many of the vacation in warm lands.
- Statuettes of birds - a sign of freedom, soul, lightness.
Interior style:
Not always a statuette is chosen depending on the meaning it carries. Sometimes the style of the interior is a priority.
- For example, in the style of Provence will look good statuettes with shepherd girls, with bunnies, with birds.
- And in the Baroque or classical style - statuettes of cupids look appropriate.
- Gothic interior can be complemented with statuettes of griffins.
- In a modern interior, the statuette can depict a mannequin, movie characters, laconic monochrome figures of animals, symbolic and abstract statuettes.
- In the Scandinavian style will look good statuettes with reindeer.
- And so on.
Buy models:
Buy ready-made models of statuettes you can on our website in the following sections:
- models of statuettes in Egyptian style
- Buddha statuette models
- models of military figurines
- models of statuettes of heroes, monsters and demons
- Griffin and dragon figurine models
- models of statuettes of girls
- animal models
- and many others
In addition, there is always an opportunity to order individual production of models of statuettes according to your sketches, photos, pictures, descriptions. Send us your specifications and we will prepare stl files for you.
Call, write! We are in touch in all messengers (Vatsap, Viber, Telegram). Or leave requests on the site and soon we will contact you.
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