Lion is a popular image in different mythologies. It is no coincidence that this animal is called the king of beasts. This quality endowed lions in different times and in different cultures.
Statuettes and statues of lions - one of the most common.
In this article we will tell you what this is due to, what roles endowed lions in different mythologies.
And you can make lion figurines on cnc machines or 3d printers with our 3d stl models. High quality, convenient format, a wide variety of ready-made models - all this will make working with us more profitable and convenient, will provide a quality result that is in high demand among your customers.
In addition, always possible modeling to order. According to your specifications. Call, write, ask! We work for you!
The meaning of lion figurines in different mythologies.
In Egypt, the lion was associated with the sun and denoted the Sun God - Ra. Another Egyptian deity was a pair of lions representing the goddess of winds of destructive power - Tefnut and the god of wind - Shu.
In Greece, the god of the morning sun Horus could have the head of a lion. And the lion with two heads located on both sides of one body symbolized sunset and dawn. Another unusual ancient Greek deity with the head of a lion had the body of a crocodile and was a devourer of sinners.
In ancient Rome, the lion always accompanied the goddess of luck Fortuna. He personified the victory of man over death, fire, royalty. In Roman mythology, the wife of Jupiter Juno rode in a chariot pulled by lions. The lion was in the retinue of Apollo. And Hercules not accidentally went in the skin of not any other animal, but in the skin of a lion.
Hindus called the lion guardian of the North, the destroyer of demons.
Buddhists equated the lion to the symbol of wisdom of the Buddha, to his spiritual zeal. They associated this animal with courage, with comprehension. With power.
In Islam, the lion symbolized the protection of good and the destruction of evil.
There is a lion and in Christianity. Here he denotes the power and strength of Christ. The first Christians had to hide from persecution of their religion in the catacombs. And their drawings on the walls often had a figurative meaning. For example, sometimes Christians depicted the story of Daniel in a den of lions, which symbolized the salvation of those who believe in the Lord. According to another version in Christianity, the lion was a symbol of martyrdom. Besides in Christianity it is accepted to represent St. Mark with a lion with wings. This is due to the fact that the loud crying voice in the desert associated with the roaring of an angry lion. And the beginning of the Gospel for Mark spoke of a voice crying out in the wilderness.
What is interesting is that the lion is also found in Slavic mythology. Although the Slavs could not meet with this beast, because of living in a different climatic zone. The lion was the emblem of the god of war - Radogost.
Chinese and Japanese mythologies were accompanied by another image in which the lion appeared. Statuettes and sculptures depicting this animal are known. Small figures - netsuke and okimono - depicting the lion are also popular. Japanese and Chinese cultures were close to the ideas of Buddhism, where the lion was depicted with wings and represented a mythical creature, a servant close to Buddha. The Japanese and Chinese believed that statuettes of such a lion can protect from any troubles.
The lion plays its role in astrology. He is a symbol of one of the 12 signs of the zodiac. And people born under this sign, endowed with such traits as nobility, pride, independence, straightforwardness.
Often the lion depicted and as a symbol of state power, for example, in heraldry. And in different countries and regions. Including, for example, in India. And on the coats of arms of many European countries (in Belgium, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Great Britain and so on).
CNC manufacturing and models:
With our models you can CNC manufacture statues and figurines of a wide variety of lions, including lion masks, coats of arms with lion images and much, much more.
Find the models you are interested in in the following sections:
- 3d mask models
- 3d models of animal masks and faces
- 3d models of statuettes
- 3d models of animal figurines
- Models of lions, tigers and sphinxes
- 3d models of zodiac signs
- Egyptian statues: 3d models for CNC
- 3d models of Chinese and Japanese statuettes
In addition, there is the possibility of making models to order, if you need you variant on the site is not found.
Call, write, ask questions. We will provide detailed advice, help you choose the model you need. We will orient on the cost of models when making to order, on the terms of receiving the finished result.
On one model you can make any number of statues, statuettes.
Proportional resizing is a free service and is included in the cost of the model.
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