3D STL model for CNC and 3D printers - Icons IK 2011
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, called Troeruchitsa

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Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, called Troeruchitsa The icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, called Troeruchitsa, is a revered icon in the Orthodox Christian tradition. The name "Troeruchitsa" means "Three-handed" in Russian, and it refers to a miraculous event associated with the icon. According to tradition, the icon originally depicted the Mother of God holding the Christ Child in her arms. However, during a period of iconoclasm, when icons were being destroyed, a thief attempted to steal the icon. As he was trying to remove it from its frame, the Mother of God miraculously appeared in the icon and struck the thief with her hand, causing him to lose one of his hands. In repentance, the thief returned the icon to the church, and it was later discovered that the icon now had a third hand, symbolizing the miraculous intervention of the Theotokos. The icon of Troeruchitsa is venerated for its healing powers and protection, and many believers pray before it for intercession and help in times of need. It is a reminder of the powerful presence of the Mother of God in the lives of believers and her willingness to come to the aid of those who call upon her in faith.
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