3D STL model for CNC and 3D printers - Icons IK 2020
Archangel without a face

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Archangel without a face In Orthodox iconography, it is not uncommon to see depictions of the Archangel without a face. This is done to convey the mysterious and otherworldly nature of the angelic beings, emphasizing their role as messengers and servants of God. The lack of a face symbolizes the idea that the Archangels are beyond human comprehension and are beings of pure spirit. The Archangel is often depicted with wings, a flowing robe, and a sword or staff, symbolizing their role as protectors and warriors in the spiritual realm. Despite the absence of a face, the Archangel"s presence is still powerful and awe-inspiring, reminding viewers of the divine order and the presence of heavenly beings in the world. Overall, the depiction of the Archangel without a face in Orthodox icons serves to emphasize the transcendent and mysterious nature of these celestial beings, inviting viewers to contemplate the spiritual realities beyond the physical world.
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