3D STL model for CNC Icons IK 1698
Saviour Not Made with Hands

High quality 3d model developed by our studio in St. Petersburg. Designed for CNC machines.

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Saviour Not Made with Hands The Icon of the Savior Saved Not Made By Hands, also known as the Mandylion or Image of Edessa, is a famous icon in Orthodox Christian tradition. According to tradition, this icon was not made by human hands but miraculously appeared on a cloth that was miraculously imprinted with the face of Jesus Christ. The story behind the icon goes back to the city of Edessa (modern-day Urfa in Turkey), where King Abgar V of Edessa reportedly sent a letter to Jesus asking for healing. In response, Jesus sent a cloth with his image on it to heal the king. The miraculous image on the cloth became known as the Mandylion, which means "cloth" or "towel" in Greek. The icon depicts the face of Jesus with a serene expression and is often shown holding a book, symbolizing the Word of God. The Mandylion is considered a powerful symbol of the incarnation of Christ and the divine presence in the world. The Icon of the Savior Saved Not Made By Hands is venerated by Orthodox Christians as a holy and miraculous image of Jesus Christ. It is a reminder of the power of God"s presence and the healing and salvation that Christ offers to all who believe in Him.
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