3D STL model for CNC Icons IK 1378
Our Lady of Grebnenskaya

High quality 3d model developed by our studio in St. Petersburg. Designed for CNC machines.

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  • Adding anti-aliasing
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Our Lady of Grebnenskaya The Mother of God Grebnenskaya icon is a revered icon in the Orthodox Christian tradition. It is believed to be a miraculous icon that is associated with healing and protection. The icon depicts the Virgin Mary holding the infant Jesus in her arms. The name "Grebnenskaya" comes from the town of Grebnevo in Russia where the icon is believed to have been discovered. Devotion to the Mother of God Grebnenskaya is widespread among Orthodox Christians, who pray to her for intercession and assistance in times of need. Many miracles and answered prayers are attributed to her intercession through this icon. Orthodox Christians venerate icons as windows to heaven, representing a connection to the divine and serving as aids to prayer and meditation. Icons are considered to be sacred and are often used in personal and communal worship. The Mother of God Grebnenskaya icon holds a special place in the hearts of believers, who turn to her with faith and devotion, seeking her maternal care and protection.
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