3D STL model for CNC Icons IK 1409
Mother of God Bread

High quality 3d model developed by our studio in St. Petersburg. Designed for CNC machines.

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Mother of God Bread In Orthodox Christianity, icons play a significant role in worship and devotion. They are regarded as windows to the heavenly realm, allowing believers to connect with the divine through visual representation. The veneration of icons is an integral part of Orthodox spirituality and tradition. Among the most revered icons in Orthodox Christianity is the icon of the Mother of God, also known as the Theotokos or the Virgin Mary. She holds a central place in Orthodox theology and devotion, as the Mother of Jesus Christ, who is believed to be the Son of God. The icon of the Mother of God is often depicted with the Christ child in her arms, symbolizing her role as the bearer of the divine. Believers often pray to her for intercession, seeking her help and protection in times of need. In Orthodox liturgical practice, the offering of bread holds a special significance. The bread used in the Eucharist, known as the prosphora, is prepared with great care and reverence. It is considered a representation of the body of Christ and is offered to God during the Divine Liturgy. The act of offering bread in the Orthodox Church symbolizes the offering of oneself to God, in a spirit of humility and devotion. It is a way for believers to participate in the mystery of the Eucharist and to express their faith and love for God. Overall, icons, the Mother of God, and the offering of bread are all integral aspects of Orthodox spirituality, reflecting the deep reverence and devotion that Orthodox Christians hold for the divine and the sacred.
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