3D STL model for CNC Icons IK 0205
Saints Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia

High quality 3d model developed by our studio in St. Petersburg. Designed for CNC machines.

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Saints Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia Saints Peter and Fevronia are considered the patron saints of marriage and family in the Orthodox Christian tradition. They were a married couple who lived in 13th-century Russia and are known for their deep love and devotion to each other, as well as their piety and service to God. According to tradition, Prince Peter was a nobleman who fell in love with Fevronia, a peasant girl known for her beauty and virtue. Despite their differences in social status, they married and lived a life of humility, charity, and faithfulness to God. Saints Peter and Fevronia are often depicted in icons together, holding hands or embracing, symbolizing their enduring love and unity in marriage. Couples often pray to them for guidance and blessings in their own relationships, seeking their intercession for a strong and lasting marriage. Their feast day is celebrated on July 8th in the Orthodox Church, and they are venerated as examples of marital harmony, mutual respect, and devotion to God. Their life and example inspire many couples to strive for a holy and loving relationship based on faith, love, and mutual respect.
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