3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Icons Uryupinsk Icon of the Mother of God
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Icons Lesninskaya Icon of the Mother of God
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Icons Peschan icon of the Mother of God
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Icons Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Icons The entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Icons Introduction to the temple of the Most Holy Theotokos
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Icons Introduction to the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Icons Introduction to the temple of the Most Holy Theotokos
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Icons Saint Peter Metropolitan of Moscow
Our website offers you a great number of new 3D models of icons in stl format. The models are suitable for any CNC machine. The stl format allows you to edit and customize the control program for the machine in all suitable editors (Artkam, 3D Max, etc.).
Icons carved from solid wood are becoming increasingly popular. CNC machines precisely repeat all the details of the image on the wood, creating a real masterpiece. It only takes a little bit of polishing, painting or varnishing – and the icon is ready. Any person of faith will appreciate this piece of work. You can manufacture an icon in different sizes – from tiny pocket ones to huge icons displayed in churches.
The most popular images are those of Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary. Icons of many famous saints are also in demand. Such images can be displayed in home altars, hospitals, churches, government offices.
If you don’t own a CNC machine, but liked some of the options presented on our website, just contact the nearest workshop and show them our 3D models.
Any model quickly pays off as it can be used repeatedly.