Perignon 100 100 105 55 110 38 100 prof. Armchair Art. 951400 155 prof, 90 Two seats sofa Divano 2 posti Art. 951401/2 200 prof. 90 Three seats sofa Divano 3 posti Art. 951401 - 110 prof. 70 Central table Tavolino centrale Art. 951402 50 prof, 50 Side table Tavolino laterale Art. 951403 66 Mirror Specchiera Art. 951407 113 prof. 38 Small cabinet Mobiletto Art, 951408 prof, 50 Trolley Carrello Art. 951409 - 50 prof. 50 Small cabinet Mobiletto Art. 951410 70 prof. 70 Tavolino laterale Side Art. 951415 39
High quality 3d model developed by our studio. Designed for CNC machines.
Can also be used in visualizations and prototyping.
When purchasing a model, you can also order a control program for your machine.