3D STL model for CNC and 3D printers - Icons IK 2127
Reverend Stoyna

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Reverend Stoyna In Orthodox Christianity, icons are considered to be sacred representations of Christ, the Virgin Mary, saints, and angels. They are used as aids in prayer and meditation, serving as windows to the divine. Icons are venerated and not worshipped, as they are seen as channels through which believers can connect with the spiritual realm. One notable figure in the Orthodox Church who played a significant role in the veneration of icons is Reverend Stoyna. Reverend Stoyna was a monk and theologian who lived in the Byzantine Empire during the Iconoclastic Controversy of the 8th and 9th centuries. This controversy revolved around the use of icons in worship, with some arguing that they were idolatrous and should be destroyed. Reverend Stoyna vehemently defended the use of icons, arguing that they were not objects of worship but rather tools for spiritual contemplation and connection with the divine. He believed that icons were essential for the faithful to deepen their understanding of the mysteries of the faith and to cultivate a deeper relationship with God. Through his writings and teachings, Reverend Stoyna helped to preserve the tradition of icon veneration in the Orthodox Church. His steadfast defense of icons ultimately played a significant role in the restoration of icon veneration in the Byzantine Empire and the reaffirmation of their importance in Orthodox worship. Today, Reverend Stoyna is venerated as a saint in the Orthodox Church for his dedication to the preservation of the sacred tradition of iconography.

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