3D STL model for CNC and 3D printers - Icons IK 1926
Holy Martyr Azat of Persia

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Holy Martyr Azat of Persia Holy Martyr Azat of Persia was a devout Christian who lived during the time of persecution in Persia. He fearlessly proclaimed his faith in Christ and refused to worship the pagan gods of the land. As a result, he was arrested, tortured, and ultimately martyred for his unwavering devotion to Christ. Many Orthodox Christians venerate Holy Martyr Azat as a courageous example of faithfulness and steadfastness in the face of persecution. His icon is often depicted with him holding a cross, symbolizing his commitment to Christ even unto death. Through the intercession of Holy Martyr Azat of Persia, may we also have the strength and courage to remain faithful to Christ in the face of adversity and persecution. Amen.
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