3D STL model for CNC and 3D printers - Icons IK 1870

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virgin Orthodox Christianity places a great emphasis on the veneration of icons, especially those depicting the Virgin Mary. Icons of the Virgin Mary hold a special place in the hearts of Orthodox believers, as she is seen as the epitome of purity, humility, and faithfulness. The Virgin Mary is often portrayed in icons with her hands raised in prayer, her head covered with a veil, and her eyes looking down in humility. She is usually depicted with the Christ child in her arms, symbolizing her role as the Mother of God. Orthodox Christians believe that veneration of the Virgin Mary and other saints through icons is a way to connect with the divine and seek their intercession. Icons serve as windows to the spiritual realm, allowing believers to focus their prayers and devotion. The veneration of icons, including those of the Virgin Mary, is an important aspect of Orthodox spirituality and worship. It is seen as a way to deepen one"s relationship with God and the saints, and to be reminded of their presence and intercession in the lives of believers.
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