3D STL model for CNC Icons IK 1847
Joy to All The Mourners

High quality 3d model developed by our studio in St. Petersburg. Designed for CNC machines.

It can also be used in visualizations and prototyping.

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The STL price already includes:

  • Proportional resizing
  • Division into parts
  • Adding anti-aliasing
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Joy to All The Mourners Orthodoxy teaches us that icons are windows to heaven, through which we can experience the presence of the saints and the divine. When we gaze upon an icon, we are reminded of the joy that awaits us in the kingdom of God, and we are comforted in our sorrows by the knowledge that we are not alone. In times of trouble and despair, the icons can bring us hope and consolation. They remind us that we are surrounded by a cloud of witnesses who have gone before us and who intercede for us before the throne of God. They remind us that we are never abandoned or forgotten, but are always held in the loving embrace of our Heavenly Father. So let us turn to the icons in times of sorrow, knowing that they are a source of joy and comfort to all who seek solace in the midst of life"s trials. Let us allow the beauty and holiness of the icons to uplift our spirits and fill our hearts with peace. And let us remember that, through the icons, we are connected to a vast and timeless communion of saints, who stand ready to offer us their love, support, and prayers.
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