3D STL model for CNC Icons IK 1692
St. Panteleimon the Great Martyr and Healer

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St. Panteleimon the Great Martyr and Healer Saint Panteleimon, also known as Saint Pantaleon, is a renowned martyr and healer in the Orthodox Christian tradition. He is venerated as a great martyr and one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers, who are a group of saints known for their miraculous intercessions. Saint Panteleimon was born in Nicomedia (modern-day Turkey) in the late 3rd century. He was raised in a wealthy pagan family and received a medical education, becoming a skilled physician. However, after converting to Christianity, he dedicated his life to serving others and healing the sick, regardless of their ability to pay. One of the most well-known miracles associated with Saint Panteleimon is the healing of a blind man by anointing his eyes with oil from a lamp that had burned in front of an icon of the Theotokos (Mother of God). This miracle and many others attributed to his intercession earned him the title of "Great Martyr and Healer." Saint Panteleimon"s faith and dedication to Christ eventually led to his martyrdom. During the persecution of Christians under the Roman Emperor Maximian, he was arrested, tortured, and finally beheaded for his refusal to renounce his Christian beliefs. In Orthodox iconography, Saint Panteleimon is often depicted as a young man in a physician"s robe, holding a medicine box or a martyr"s cross. He is shown with a compassionate expression, symbolizing his healing ministry and his ultimate sacrifice for Christ. Orthodox Christians venerate Saint Panteleimon as a powerful intercessor for the sick, the suffering, and all those in need of healing, both physical and spiritual. His feast day is celebrated on July 27th, and many believers seek his prayers and assistance in times of illness and distress. May the Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon pray for us and guide us on the path of faith and healing. Amen.
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