3D STL model for CNC Icons IK 1405
Saint Olga

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Saint Olga Saint Olga, also known as Saint Olga of Kiev, was a powerful ruler and the first Christian saint of the Rus people. She was born in Pskov around 890 and became the wife of Prince Igor of Kiev. After Igor"s assassination, Olga ruled as regent for her young son, Svyatoslav. Saint Olga is venerated for her efforts to Christianize the Rus people and her role in spreading Christianity throughout the region. She was baptized in Constantinople and brought the Christian faith back to Kiev, where she built churches and promoted the spread of Christianity. In Orthodox iconography, Saint Olga is often depicted as a regal figure, wearing a crown and holding a cross or a model of a church. She is revered for her piety, wisdom, and dedication to the Christian faith. Saint Olga is considered a patron saint of widows, converts, and rulers, and her feast day is celebrated on July 11th in the Eastern Orthodox Church. Saint Olga"s legacy as a Christian ruler and missionary continues to inspire believers to this day, and her icon serves as a reminder of her important role in the history of the Russian Orthodox Church.
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