3D STL model for CNC Icons IK 1247
BM Recovery of the dead

High quality 3d model developed by our studio in St. Petersburg. Designed for CNC machines.

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BM Recovery of the dead In Orthodox Christianity, icons play a significant role in the spiritual life of believers. Icons are considered windows into the heavenly realm, providing a way for believers to connect with the divine and the saints. They are venerated, not worshipped, as they serve as reminders of the presence of God and his saints. One particular icon that holds special significance in Orthodox tradition is the icon of the "Recovery of the Dead." This icon depicts a scene from the book of Tobit in the Old Testament, where the archangel Raphael guides Tobit"s son Tobias on a journey to recover a debt owed to Tobit. Along the way, Tobias encounters a dead man whose body is left unburied. Following Raphael"s instructions, Tobias buries the man and says a prayer for his soul, exemplifying the importance of showing mercy and compassion to the dead. The icon of the Recovery of the Dead serves as a reminder of the Orthodox belief in the importance of praying for the souls of the departed and performing acts of mercy towards those who have passed away. It also conveys the hope of resurrection and the belief that through prayer and good deeds, the faithful can assist the souls of the departed on their journey to eternal life. In times of grief and loss, the icon of the Recovery of the Dead can provide comfort and solace to believers, reminding them of the eternal mercy and compassion of God towards all his children, both living and deceased. It serves as a powerful visual representation of the Orthodox belief in the interconnectedness of the living and the dead, and the importance of prayer and acts of mercy in supporting the souls of the departed.
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