3D STL model for CNC Icons IK 0097 Our Lady of Vladimir
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Our Lady of Vladimir Our Lady of Vladimir is a famous icon of the Virgin Mary and the Child Jesus, believed to have been painted in the 12th century in Constantinople (modern-day Istanbul). The icon is known for its tender depiction of the Virgin Mary holding the Child Jesus close to her cheek.
The icon was brought to Russia in the 12th century and eventually came to be housed in the Cathedral of the Dormition in Vladimir, Russia. It is considered one of the most revered icons in Russian Orthodoxy and is said to have miraculous powers.
Our Lady of Vladimir is often depicted in traditional Orthodox iconography, with the Virgin Mary wearing a dark blue maphorion (a long veil) and the Child Jesus looking lovingly at her. The icon is a symbol of maternal love, protection, and intercession, and it is venerated by Orthodox Christians around the world.
Many believers pray before the icon of Our Lady of Vladimir, seeking the Virgin Mary"s intercession for their needs and offering her their love and devotion. The icon is a powerful reminder of the presence of the Mother of God in the lives of believers, offering comfort, guidance, and hope.