3D STL model for CNC and 3D printers - High reliefs and bas-reliefs of fantasy GRLFF 0200
Raven Skull 2

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Raven Skull 2 Here is a high relief and bas-relief design of a fantasy raven skull: The high relief features intricate details of the raven skull, with sharp beak, hollow eye sockets, and delicate feathers carved into the surface. The skull is surrounded by swirling patterns and mystical symbols, adding to the overall mystical and otherworldly feel of the design. The bas-relief design showcases the raven skull in a more subtle way, with the features of the skull slightly raised from the background. The intricate details of the skull are still visible, but the overall design has a more subdued and understated look. Both designs capture the essence of a fantasy raven skull, with a touch of mystery and magic infused into the intricate carvings.
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