3D STL model for CNC and 3D printers - High reliefs and bas-reliefs of fantasy GRLFF 0170
Joker Currency

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Joker Currency Here are a few ideas for high reliefs and bas-reliefs of fantasy-themed Joker currency: 1. A high relief sculpture of the Joker"s iconic face, with exaggerated features like a wide grin, green hair, and purple suit. The background could be filled with swirling patterns and symbols of chaos and mischief. 2. A bas-relief design of the Joker"s playing card motif, with intricate details like swirling smoke, laughing faces, and twisted jester hats. The edges could be adorned with ornate filigree and symbols of luck and trickery. 3. A high relief sculpture of the Joker"s signature weapon, the razor-sharp playing card, depicted in mid-flight with jagged edges and a wicked grin. The background could be filled with swirling patterns of cards and dice, symbolizing the unpredictable nature of the Joker. 4. A bas-relief design of the Joker"s infamous laughter, depicted in a swirling vortex of sound waves and distorted faces. The edges could be adorned with twisted vines and thorny roses, symbolizing the Joker"s chaotic and unpredictable nature. 5. A high relief sculpture of the Joker"s twisted sense of humor, with exaggerated features like oversized eyes, a wide grin, and wild, unkempt hair. The background could be filled with swirling patterns of laughter and madness, symbolizing the Joker"s unique brand of chaos and mischief.
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