3D STL model for CNC and 3D printers - High reliefs and bas-reliefs of fantasy GRLFF 0157
Hogan Dragon Ball Z

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Hogan Dragon Ball Z The Hogan Dragon Ball Z high relief depicts a dynamic scene from the popular anime series. In the center, the iconic character Goku is shown in a powerful pose, surrounded by swirling energy and dramatic lighting effects. The details of his muscles and facial features are carefully sculpted to capture the intensity of the moment. The bas-relief version of the Hogan Dragon Ball Z design features a more subtle and subdued interpretation of the same scene. The characters and elements are still recognizable, but they are rendered with less depth and dimension, creating a more understated and elegant aesthetic. The focus is on the overall composition and movement of the piece, rather than on intricate details. Both versions of the Hogan Dragon Ball Z relief showcase the artist"s skill in capturing the essence of the source material and bringing it to life in a three-dimensional form. Fans of the series are sure to appreciate these unique and striking interpretations of their favorite characters and moments.
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