Making a product from a 3d model on a CNC machine greatly expands your possibilities. Thanks to the emergence of CNC machines, the process of processing materials is greatly simplified. No need for constant supervision of the operator (as was the case when working on equipment not equipped with program control), disappeared the influence of the human factor (the program is extremely accurate sets the parameters of cutting and does not allow errors). In addition, the machine is able to work longer without interruption, and the cutting speed is many times greater than manual labor.
But how do you choose the right CNC machine for your application? What should you look for when buying one? What should be the software? And Where to get 3d models to do the work on the machine with a cnc? Answer these questions and this article is designed to answer them.
What machine to choose and for what tasks?
First of all, you need to choose the working material. Based on the material, machine tools are:
- Metalworking. Have a more durable, powerful design. In such devices, coolant is often supplied to the cutter, as well as a suction system, to remove chips;
- Woodworking. Their subspecies are furniture machines, characterized by larger dimensions. In addition to wood can be used for processing plastic and composite. They are less robust compared to metal machines, but for target tasks and working with wood, they are much more suitable than metalworking ones. Chip removal is most often absent. Mill cooling is either air-cooled or also absent;
- Glassworking. Can also work with polycarbonate or plexiglass. Have diamond, carbide or corundum cutters. A fluid feed to the cutter allows it to cool and also to clean chips from the cutter;
- Stonecutters. Can work with natural, artificial stone, as well as with pressed granite chips. Can also work with wood, plastic, metal. However, such versatility is compensated for by the large size of the machine, high energy consumption.
Directly when buying a machine, pay attention to the following elements:
- Spindle. The mechanism that drives the cutter. It is this part that is equipped with cooling and chip removal system. It is selected for the working material;
- Type of movement motor. Stepper or servomotor. The first are cheaper and easier to device, the second are more reliable and give a lower percentage of scrap;
- Milling area. Determines the size of the future product. It is also important to pay attention to the quality of fixing the workpiece;
- Set of milling cutters used. Sometimes when working on the product may require more than one tool. Therefore, the set deserves close attention, as well as the mechanism for replacing cutters;
- Control method. Using a connected computer or a special rack with a control panel. When using a computer, the program can be used both directly for work and for modeling. In addition, it is possible to emulate the process, graphically display it on the screen. Stand-alone racks provide better integration, stability, as they are directly connected to the control board of the CNC machine, as well as are reliably protected from contamination, which makes them more durable. For this reason, racks are more common on professional machines.
In addition, you should pay attention to the availability of service from the manufacturer. This will ensure not only warranty service, but also quality installation after purchase.
How to choose the program control?
To make the CNC machine work, you need so-called CAD / CAM-systems - these are software packages that translate data from 3d models and drawings into commands for the machine. Usually such packages come with the machine and do not require installation. However, it is possible to install third-party software. Also note that all such programs have an English-language interface.
If you choose the software yourself, you should take into account the reviews of the program and technical support, the convenience of the interface, the release date of the latest version, the regularity of updates.
Where to buy 3d models?
3d model of the future product can be purchased on the Internet or ordered from freelancers. There are also free models, most of which are only a fragment of the product, or a low-quality version, as well as too proliferated banal version (for example, some decor).
Buy quality models can be purchased from us, in the company stl24. We are engaged in the creation of 3d models for CNC and offer hundreds of ready-made options from several dozen categories. It is also possible to finalize each model for personal requirements or fulfill a completely individual order from scratch.
The main advantage of our company - this is absolutely new, exclusive 3d models, first appeared in the Russian Internet, made in excellent quality. This means that you will be able to produce something really exclusive and in demand.
In addition, we have available:
- Discounts to regular customers;
- Discounts for the volume of the order;
- Free consultations from our masters;
- Guaranteed compliance with deadlines;
- If necessary, we will develop on the basis of 3d model control program for your machine, or provide an improvement of stl model to meet the requirements of your device.
If you have any questions contact us by phone number or e-mail. Call, write, order!
Read also:
- CNC machine business. What to make and sell?
- Facts about 3D models for CNC machines
- Carved decor in the interior
- 3d printing on 3d printers